Monday, January 27, 2020

Published: How to Prepare for Your First Pilates Class

I published “How to Prepare for Your First Pilates Class” on @Medium

Clean Eating Tips

Tray of Food
Photo by 
Ella Olsson from Pexels

Based in Baltimore, Maryland, Melissa Burch Harton has a background in nonprofit administration and holds a master’s degree in clinical psychology. Melissa Harton enjoys many hobbies including horseback riding and hiking, as well as cooking with an emphasis on clean eating.

Clean eating emphasizes consuming foods that are as close to their natural form as possible, with minimal processing. These foods tend to provide maximal nutritional benefits and are usually produced in ethical and sustainable ways.

Beginning a clean eating diet is simple. First of all, begin incorporating more fruits and vegetables, which are naturally loaded with vitamins and minerals and can often be consumed raw after washing. When buying food at the store, start reading the labels and avoid foods that contain preservatives, added sugars, or unhealthy fats. It is also good to avoid adding sugar to foods.

Additionally, avoid foods that contain refined carbs, which are split into two categories. Sugars encompass sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, and agave syrup and refined grains refer to grains that have had the most nutritious parts removed, such as white flour. Refined carbs can lead to inflammation, insulin resistance, and obesity, while whole grains provide more fiber and nutrients.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Published: Underrated Destinations in Hawaii

I published “Underrated Destinations in Hawaii” on @Medium

Correctly Mounting a Horse

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Tips for Incorporating Clean Eating Habits into Your Life

Sad face on a plate
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash
The former manager of administrative services at Maryland Nonprofits in Baltimore, Melissa Burch Harton coordinated daily office activities and organized the calendar of the company’s CEO. Now focused on raising a family, Melissa Harton tries to maintain a clean eating lifestyle.

“Eating clean” means eating healthy, whole, unprocessed foods and eliminating packaged foods and other foods high in sugar, fat, sodium, or preservatives. In addition to helping with weight loss, clean eating often leads to higher energy levels.

One way to eat clean is to support your local farmers by shopping at farmers’ markets. Buying food directly from producers means you can learn exactly what methods they are using to produce and raise animals for eggs, dairy, and meat.

When selecting foods, keep in mind that leafy green vegetables are among the most nutritious choices. Clean eating means incorporating foods such as spinach, kale, and arugula into your meals. In addition to salads, these greens can be added to smoothies, omelets, and soups to help you get multiple servings of leafy greens per day.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Three Items Animal Shelters Always Need

Rescue dog
Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels
A mother of two, Melissa Burch Harton remains active in the Baltimore, Maryland community through her volunteer work. Alongside her previous role working with disadvantaged residents, Melissa Harton also supports animal rescue organizations. 

Besides volunteers and foster guardians, most animal rescue groups require ongoing donations of pet care items and food to continue their operations. Other in-demand donations include:

Towels - Old towels can be used in a myriad of ways at an animal shelter. Animals like to rest on them to keep warm. Volunteers also use towels after bath time and to keep the shelter floor cozy. 

Bottles - Rescues often encounter very young dogs and cats that have been separated from their mother. In these cases, the animals will need special nursing bottles and formula to stay nourished.

Heating Pads - Likewise, dogs and cats abandoned too early need another source of heat that they would have received by lying close to their mother. Heating pads are also useful for treating ill or injured animals.